Do we have a set time for this?
Good question. I figured I would wait for the route plans to come together and it now seems we are at that point. Lewiston/Auburn park and ride of the highway at 9am sound good to everyone?

I'll make the change to the OP.

Sounds like a good time to me, that way we have more time before it gets dark. Plus we are further from winter solctice so that = more daylight anyway.

I will be on the look out for alternatives. Don't get me wrong, I personally would love to throw in a former rally stage. I just don't want Rally America upset with us. I could care less about wet blanket locals. But they are who Rally America answers to, so when we are on thier turf, so do we. If we did take these roads we would need to be exactly at the speed limit or less, that would not be so fun. BTW adam, how did that womans driveway get torn up? Was it part of the course or something? Maybe on the outside of a corner where read tires where digging in?
No some idiots drove into the ditch and rather than get help out they hammered it back and fourth and climbed up into the driveway screwing up the culvert(plugging it with mud and crap) and leaving ruts in the end of the driveway. They also left a decent amount of trash and bottles while they worked. We cleaned it up best we could and apologized for these morons and settled her down. I guess if I were in her shoes I would have been pissed as well.

so how do the manage to close down a public road with no help from cops? what if a local has an emergancy and needs to get out or back home?

Too bad this wasn't sooner. I would either hitch a ride with someone OR borrow my parent's brand new Forester... It's not an XT but it's still really nice to drive.

What plans do you have for your new Fozzy Adam....or are you still basking in the virgin quality she radiates?

Too bad this wasn't sooner. I would either hitch a ride with someone OR borrow my parent's brand new Forester... It's not an XT but it's still really nice to drive.

I figured a month out would give people who wanted to go enough time to fit it in their schedules or take the time off from work

Good question. I figured I would wait for the route plans to come together and it now seems we are at that point. Lewiston/Auburn park and ride of the highway at 9am sound good to everyone?
I'll make the change to the OP.
sounds good to me... so ryan and i came to the idea to do the kinda same run but backwards!

Too bad this wasn't sooner. I would either hitch a ride with someone OR borrow my parent's brand new Forester... It's not an XT but it's still really nice to drive.
if u dont get the chance to get the fozzy in me or someone always have a extra seat open just incase some need a spot. Feel free to askaround none of us bit=)

sounds good to me... so ryan and i came to the idea to do the kinda same run but backwards!
Excellent! Thanks guys for putting in the time to get this put together. Could you PM me a link to the route if you have it on expedia or google maps so I can post it in the OP and print off some copies for the 21st. Thanks again.

so how do the manage to close down a public road with no help from cops? what if a local has an emergancy and needs to get out or back home?
the rally does close public roads, WITH help from local police and state police.

basically the event secures permission for road closures thru local select boards, who agree to short-term closures in return for the positive economic impact that several thousand visitors will bring to local businesses. there is a lot of communication by the rally orgs with ppl who live along the closed roads, the closure times are posted well in advance. if there is an emergency the police and event orgs handle getting ppl in or out of the closed areas.

as you might imagine, this can be a very political process. all it takes is a couple disgruntled people and it can be really hard to secure the OK for a road closure. typically tho, the economic impact argument wins out. also, when a road like Concord Pond has been used for years as a rally stage, the ppl who live nearby tend to get more's a big deal ya know to see all them crazy rally drivers hurl they cars into the scenery! there are true motorsports fans everywhere, they help get the upset people into the right frame of mind.

so when you go to spectate a rally, support the local stores and gas stations, hotels/motels, restaurants, mom n pop groceries, etc!!!

Dave is totally right! I spend every weekend in the summer at my camp in Bethel on Songo Pond and the residents do look forward to "rally weekend" for some extra income in the town's off-season. So, when July roles around, go to Mallard Mart and Pat's Pizza a couple times...and don't forget Kow-Loon and Hungry Harry's....Bethel's Best Ice Cream....umm....yeah.

if u dont get the chance to get the fozzy in me or someone always have a extra seat open just incase some need a spot. Feel free to askaround none of us bit=)
He lives like 10 minutes down the road from me, if he wants to go id have no problem taking him with me. Its the least i can do for hooking me up with the love of my life =P


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