*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

^It may be the internet, but it's best to respect your elders, which is just about everyone on here

so the weatherman says 16-24 inches...I think I'll be taking the wife to, and from, work tomorrow...

Im working a 24 hr shift right now...... and with the storm I just got hired to stay another 24hr shift. Who wants to come snow blow my driveway??

Well actually my car is nicely tucked into a corner of the truck bay. With the snow we have the ability to park our cars inside. It will basically stay in all day tomorrow too.

Right! But my house should be nice and burried by the time I can get home. I left the house this morning at 6:30am with about 3" in the driveway. I will get home at 7am Sunday morning with God knows how much.

Hope you all are having fun in all of this snow were getting

Yeah looks like we are gonna get quite a bit!! We have probably 5" right now, but supposed to get a whole lot more especially later when it picks up!!

these were taken at 4ish today. i havn't cleaned my car for a few days, so this is pretty much the whole storms accumilation so far. i'm going to see how much total snow i can get when the storm is over



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Just got in from plowing on my wheeler. It is definitely piling up out there!!! Damn windy too!! Probably have to go out again in the morning, as long as I don't get called in to work tonight.

Wow! -14cm. that's nuts.

Haha. I cant believe its been snowing for 2 days straight and all we've got is 6 inches. Its been such slow accumulation. Its gonna pick up. I expect to see what we've seen in the last two day again just tonight.

I drove home and when i backed into my garage i realized i didn't need a paint job and that mother nature would cover it with snow!


This had some help from a really open parking lot though.


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