*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

urabusturbo and i had a fun time intown p land a little while ago, playing in parking lots and industrial parks.

Yeah we got at least a foot, I'm guessing more. I plowed last night and it looks like I never did. We have drifts that are 3 feet tall. I got some work ahead of me

Me and bigsxy and friends went out last night and had a blast. I might even have a few videos to post if I have any decent footage. Planning on going out later today again if anyone is in the area.

I don't call this crap snow!!!



So my driveway is STEEP UP from the house. then STEEP DOWN to the road. My GF and I had to go to work (we work at the same place). So got in my subaru. let it warm up nice and good to take some abuse to tackle the steep hill with 2' of heavy snow ... Made it up, barely. going down the back side I saw that the plow truck had started to plow the driveway... and left a nice 6' high wall of snow. And then 100' down got himself stuck in the ditch. So I gunned it. flew though the 6' high, 6' deep mound of snow (according to the plow driver it was a pretty spectacular sight). Stopped before hitting the truck. Assessed the situation (we were already late for work). I figured I could make it around the truck. Floored it though the ditch on the other side. Narrowly missed hitting the truck, narrowly missed hitting trees, narrowly missed getting extremely stuck ... But it made it out and to work almost on time. One of my most epic drives ever. Subaru + Studded tires FTW!!!

urabusturbo and i had a fun time intown p land a little while ago, playing in parking lots and industrial parks.
sorry I had to ***** out... I forgot about plans I had made with the gf... Ill be down next time it snows. Just text or call me!

Just got back in from cleaning off the cars and moving them around, shoveling the steps, around the generator and garbage bin and another inch came down in less than an hour.

deck is done, driveway is done, path for the oil guy is done.


ok how long till this is done.

I got up this morning around 5 and we had 3" and they were calling for 3-6. Now there's around 8" on the ground and they are calling for 8-12!!! I think they screwed up on this one a little

10 laps dorifto with a screeching coworker around rockland public landing this am, then handbrake turn 270 degrees & backwards into snowbank, where I parked.

debbil head w/angel halo smiley goes here

8" and still blowing sideways as of 10:15 local time

it'ssss a....a....a NOTH-EasstaH!


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