*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

about 9 inches here in Waterville, more to come and maybe a parking lot expedition later on in the night !!

It's kind of scary how much the snow inhibits driving. I shot snow, less than a CM thick mind you, over 3 feet from a standstill earlier today out from under my rear wheels. That's a lot of energy and very little movement coming out of it.

Also, Bratman, 2010 posts!

It's amazing how much snow my snow tires through

Oh yeah look at that!!

Yeah this was some wet heavy snow!! Hard to move!! BVut it's all cleaned up now. It has actually been snowing here for about 2 hours now, and we have another inch on the ground.

The snow just hasn't stopped! Shovel, and shovel, and shovel, and it just keeps falling! Should be coming to and end though. weather is supposed to clear up.

It's kind of scary how much the snow inhibits driving. I shot snow, less than a CM thick mind you, over 3 feet from a standstill earlier today out from under my rear wheels. That's a lot of energy and very little movement coming out of it.
nate, get some snow tires, eh??!!
Complaining about no grip in snow when you gots crap tires, well that's just

also go easy on the gas pedal-- less grip is just less grip and when it's gone you ain't going noplace.

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Just started snowing again a little while ago in Acton. Not suppose to get much maybe 3". I believe down east will get the brunt of it.

I had about 1.5" of powder on my car this morning.


My car didn't really want to crank.


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