*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

Still no accumulation in Yarmouth

Well, there's a bit that we piled up from in front of the garage. About enough for 5 snowballs

Theres about a 1/2 in Orono. The ride up was pretty icey. All worth it to have those school parking lots to myself

6" have fallen in Fort kent since thursday, putting all year total to like 10-12" already!!!

went and played around in an old parking lot today..not the best shots ever but it was still fun



yup!! lonesome pines in Fort Kent, not a bad little mountain for northern Aroostook!

looks like fun...we need snow in portland area so i can justify the money i spent on snow tires....and i just want to play in the snow....

The snow drive made me remember how much I love winter driving!! I need some snow here!!

Just caught the local weather and it looks like if you live in Bangor or north you could get a foot of the white stuff.

The southern part of the state should only get up to 2".

There's about 1/64" on my deck... 128 times that would be fun!
Haha, yeah here too. I was cutting myself a slice of coffee cake and decided to turn on the deck light: Snow!

I got a couple of round flakes falling on me while I was re-aiming my driving lights this morning/midday.


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