*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

I'm jealous of all the snow in that area... But Fort Kent is a long-DONKEY way up there!!


kinda messy but fun

I believe we have a chance for some real snow come Sunday
hope so.

this rain is not good for a bad headgasket heading for 18 degrees. I see bangor skipped an hour of at least 1 inch within.. that makes 4+ inches.. this in 20 degree cold would have been 5 to 6 feet.

"survived it all" has been an understatement.

Finally got some snow in Acton. Guessing 12" to 15", hard to tell with the drifts. It was over my kness when I stepped out of the door this morning.

My car was in a drift... I had snow up over the bumper (which on my car is pretty high...) It was a fun drive out of my driveway. Put it in 4 lo and just crawled up plowing snow with the front.

^Really? It was real dry here as well. Nice and fluffy!!! And still blowing and drifting as I type this!!

Where it drifted really deep it was a little wetter. Around my car for example... I shoulda gotten a pic. It was completely covered. I was up to my waist brushing snow from the door.


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