*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

I was out playing, and got pulled over by an undercover statie for "frantic operation"

ahem...came back from holday travel yesterday afternoon. dug the RS out of 2' snow(parked behind barn in drift accumulation zone) and promptly proceeded to overcook it into a "Left 3 @ T" intersection....heh I should have gotten a ticket for "Blatant Snowbank Damage"

no harm done to the suby, can't say the same for snowbank. it was quite the silly bunch of tracks leading up to the off, I tried everything--flick, LFB, gas-gas-gas, e-brake, etc---except slowing down enough to make the turn.
landed full sideways in opposite direction I originally intended to go, doh!

after that, for some reason it took 45 mins to make the normally 10-minute drive home (went the l o o ong way of course) . hoo, what a blast. no more snowbank surfin, either.

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I once perched my RS on top of a 3' snowback after a right at a T intersection
there was no traction then bare tar and i shot onto the solid bank

I heard 7-11 inchs in the Portland area. I'm making a camera mount today for tomorrow nights snow fun.

forecast for midcoast area is.......ONE MILLLLLION INCHES

just remember lads.....the snowbanks under the freshies are like concrete and will eat subies for din din

you are all LOVE'd! hahaha


^ 6-10' <--fEET!

yeah they screwed up the map. I know..... seriously.. I do!


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