*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

I pulled a stuck late model chevy extracab w/plow, out with the forester. 2nd full size truck I've pulled out with my car..... too funny!!!

I need snow tires, but all-seasons are fun with like 1/2" of slushy now

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rec'd awesome 3mm of glop then approx 2' of liquid shyte here on the balmy midcoast. hoo boy are the snowbanks gonna be concrete when they freeze back up. 41 degreees at 7am today

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My driveway is 6" of slush. REALLY really REALLY awful to drive in. And it's gonna freeze solid... Not looking forward for this.

The roads were clear by 10am in Yarmouth
. I only got slideways once on the way to school.
They weren't impressive this morning either.

I HATE Yarmouth drivers, they do 10 under in the dry... let alone the yucky stuff. Which made it funny because people were going faster today than yesterday; even though today's road conditions were much more dangerous. I love stupid rich people. Not.


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