The Eric Benson Memorial Dirt Drive - November 28th

Oh that sucks!!!! The rest sounds ike fun though. I really wish I had a car to drive. Maybe next time! How did the old lifted GL do?

Just home, what a blasst. By and large the group did really great. There were a few adventures of the "winter roads, summer ditches" kind. Nothing major, though a few small trees will likely never be the same....

People drove within the limits of their equipment, skills and the road. EVen so, the group made remarkable progress thru far eastern ME back roads. Those who said "waah, too far to drive for a drive" really missed out on a great group outing. You really had to concentrate on the road and the route instructions for literally hundreds of miles of unseen roads,so it was a workout for drivers and codrivers alike.

This event is almost certainly the MS group outing that kept the largest group of members focused on their driving the longest and over the best back roads you could possibly ask for...Big Kudos to the Rez Bros for the excellent route choices.

Some classic radio and roadside chatter:

"Caution! Watch out for moose standing in the intersection @ mile 42.5!"

"oops, the GL just went into the ditch...ooh yaay, he's back out again"

"Mayday mayday, I have engine problems (with a gr-gr-gr noise in the background) Who has a flashlight so we can check it!" When the red Foz finally pulled over, the noise was a terminal BRRRRAAAAKKKK. Ah well, one Old Inski Foz motor, RIP.

2.5RS DAn did a super job in the right seat, he didn't miss a call all day. Shot a sheetload of pics, you'll see em here soon enough.

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In a good way I hope
I still gotta see that running. Is that the ea81?

I hope there is vid of a rare sight.

they shoulda paid him to show up with it.

any ea82 there?

Yes I swapped in a much more reliable EA81 when I owned it. A lot less to ever go wrong on those motors. If my Brat had been registered, I would have taken it

In a good way I hope
well. if if went any more sideways, it woulda bin traveling backwards. I saw the GL in my rear view a couple times...full sideways, full opposite lock(and then some more). yaa-hooey!

with good snow tires, thet thang'd be a backroads beast. as it was, he went straight thru the water holes where the other subies were hugging the sides

Just got home from the best damn event this club has ever had.

2.5RS Dan did a super job in the right seat, he didn't miss a call all day. Shot a sheetload of pics, you'll see em here soon enough.
Thanks Dave! I had a blast and learned a ton today, which is what I was shooting for. On the drive home I was reading the exit signs and getting confused because I saw the big 2 MILES on the signs and didn't have tulip notes or a terratrip....

I took like 400 pictures today. I'm exhausted and will get them edited tomorrow. But give me 15 minutes and I'll throw up some teasers

It was an awesome drive!! I had a blast. Ya, I had my car pretty sideways!! It did pretty well. I've never driven it in the snow before that.

I think I'm part of the "though a few small trees will likely never be the same....". someone asked at the next stopping point what happened to some saplings. They met the rear of my my car going sideways.

My car sustained no damage though. So that's good.

Other memorable conversation.

"I smell coolant!"

- Looking at a line of na 2.5 cars...

"There are a lot of potential head gasket problems here"

Oh - Boxer, it's an ea81 in my car. Awesome little engine. Underpowered, but reliable!!

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Screw it, I'm editing all the pictures tonight. They're exporting and uploading now. The camera seemed to freak out today giving me a lot of blurry pictures, I'm not used to shooting with bright snow, I'm used to the fall leaves. That and I probably had some settings wrong. Still some good shots though. The group panorama photo I'm going to have to have my sister stitch together and clean up since her post skills are infinitely better than mine, so keep a look out for those eventually.

Here's some good ones.







All 103 pictures are uploading now, I'll have a link to the gallery once they're done. Not as many as compared to what I usually do on the kanc drives, but that's because I had a terratrip and notes to keep me busy all day.

those pics make me wish i had a subie that was set up for that kinda thing... i just got my winter coilovers in sat too, just didnt get them installed in time...

nice shots dan

My driver/co-driver and I had a great time. We both failed slightly in the co-driving dept, but figured that's better than failing in the other dept. Many thanks to all those that put in the time and effort to make this event possible. Awesome roads, great people, fantastic roads, and the audi survived another throttling, what more could one ask for...

that looks awesome guys, wish i had made the trip, i was honestly thinking it was a lot more offroad carnage like than so in for next time whenever you all wanna go....

I told ya!! There would be a lot of "should've gone" posts..
Maybe next time y'all will listen to me when I say it will be EPIC!! heh


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