The Eric Benson Memorial Dirt Drive - November 28th

I might end up co-driving. I managed to snipe my sisters camera... but the bigger reason, my rear diff is making funny noises. We'll see what happens on the drive up to Bangor as I leave in 45 minutes.

So what is milford on the run? Is it a gas station or something? What am I looking for?

Basically, the google maps link on the first page, my GPS, and typing "milford on the run" into google maps get me 3 different locations within about 5 miles of each other....

On second (or maybe third...) thought. I think I'm having a technology fail moment. But just to clarify. It's pretty much right there on the left after you cross the bridge (coming from 95), right?

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right at the intersection of Route 2 and 178 there is a BIG mobil gas station. food coffee snacks gas...fuel up on all account before we leave.

I could squeeze this trip out with an old subaru, but only just realized it today.

I gave it 150 miles, and rte 202, back roadish did excellent. for some odd reason, all four plug sleeves in stop the water pump madness. I guess subaru means symmetry when they claim symmetry. Never heard an ea82 like this.. not that any of my ea82 sound like any ea82.

I still no co-driver, unplanned to even go at this point...

will at least the donation, have fun people.


YEAH...if you have all might as well ride along..there is going to be snow on the ground for this drive.

sorry if this excludes people, but all seasons will be dangerous for those running them.

i can almost guarantee if you run all seasons we wil have to yank you out of something during the day. there is a parking lot near the gas station for those who want to bring their own car, but are codriving.

balls, knew i should of bought studded/winters. idk if i could go anyways my co-driver backed out and got lots of stuff i need to catch up on

Poopy, I don't have snow tires.

I think I will still go, but just have to be extra careful

How much snow is there down there? We only have about 2" up here

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Poopy, I don't have snow tires.

I think I will still go, but just have to be extra careful

How much snow is there down there? We only have about 2" up here
To me nothing besides snow tires is pretty clear... It's sorta black-and-white.

am now in need of copilote, mine dropped out today

you will have fun in the RS coupe all set to play in the woods... plus get to learn how to operate a Terratrip rally computer and rattle off directions

also likely you'll get to drive some too

PM me here or cell 3 2 9 six eight one six

Dave G

I have no snows. I am still planning on coming. I am going to drive within my limits. I can't afford snows right now let alone a car if I wreck it. Besides I have ben out enjoying the unsalted roads this a.m.

I have no snows. I am still planning on coming. I am going to drive within my limits. I can't afford snows right now let alone a car if I wreck it. Besides I have ben out enjoying the unsalted roads this a.m.
Same here,

I have Kumho Solus KR21's, which are rated by a lot of people to be good in snow, sorta like a budget snow tire.

I know my cars boundries and mine, so I will just take it easy.

Ok have been officially warned and there IS a waiver like i said, you are traveling these roads on your own accord.

I might advise those without proper snow tires to drive in the rear of the pack. let those with tires maybe push some of it out of the way and clear the roads a little.


I hear ya. Even on its best day my outbacks definately slow. My goal is often to finish, not break records.


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