The Official MS Bike Talk Thread - motors need not apply

River trail is flooded....just a heads up. The river is over the trail in many places. Lame.

Bradbury is closed... probably until August with all this rain... Can't wait for my new 29er front wheel to get here so it can sit in the garage.

not that it's winter riding time... but there's a set of Nokian studded snows on Craigslist for $50. Pretty good deal since they're about $75+ each new. It's in the bike section.

So nobody's been riding?

I built the 69er and took it for a test spin at Robinson Woods. Trails were a bit sloppy in spots but it was still a good ride.

I just got back from Moab, and jeebus, what a sunburn

Seriously, though - some sick rides through some crazy different terrain. I wouldn't want to do it every day, but it was great to see some different stuff.

Sadly, we didn't have time to make it to Fruita, but I do have a recommendation for a great rental place in town: Chile Pepper Bikes. They're awesome, their gear is good, and their prices are sweet.

I just got back from Moab, and jeebus, what a sunburn

Seriously, though - some sick rides through some crazy different terrain. I wouldn't want to do it every day, but it was great to see some different stuff.

Sadly, we didn't have time to make it to Fruita, but I do have a recommendation for a great rental place in town: Chile Pepper Bikes. They're awesome, their gear is good, and their prices are sweet.
Jealous. I saw a show on the 2 day ride from Crested Butte to Aspen over a pass. Day 2? 7 hr downhill.

Welcome back. Let's go ride BBury!

I hope you took some pics!

We should get together for a ride... or meet up for one of the RAGE rides while the weather is good. I really want to start mountain biking more.

Bradbury is still closed last time I checked.

I'm going to try to make the TNR Rage Ride once it's determined where the ride will be. Hopefully Bradbury. Anyone else in?

Here's some pics of the 69er:



Did the Rage TNR last evening. Good time... 13 people showed up. Trails were a bit sloppy in places. River trail was nice... the river was REALLY moving...

Hey guy, looks like this is where I should have put my ad. I'm looking to sell my mag trainer. Its a good model I bought from a few years ago. She has 4 difficulty settings with a remote for on-the-fly resistance changes for some interval training. I was asking $70, but will lower the asking price to $50 OBO.

woot for ironhorse. i know i haven't contributed here before.... i have this years model ironhorse maverick. trying to get back in shape... anyone biked mt apatite park in auburn, been thinking about hitting it up before snow flies

Almost time to pump up the tires. maybe I will actually be able to ride this year.

Anyone up for Sunday morning meets. Say like 7:30-8, locally around Portland? Just a feeler for now.

I think that I'm going to be holding on to my mountain bike, so I hope to get on the trail this season!

I've already hit the trails this year on the new ride... Trails were in good shape around SoPo. Muddy in spots. This is a pic from behind the Cape HS on 3/20 when it was 70 degrees out.


Singular Swift 29er 1x9
