Yeah that works. And let me know about the LED stuff too!!

Yea, the LED stuff is gonna be a bit harder process. haha. Not so much just plug and play. I need to find all the right crap from the same online retailer or I'll get effed over on shipping.

Then I'm going to do my gauge first because if I eff it up, I have a spare gauge cluster body I can use and not mess yours up.

I need to make my needles not red though. They aren't illuminated (silly subaru), and red needles on red would be impossible to see... I'm thinking painting them white or something and then making glow with UV LEDs or something.....

Took it for a little joy ride today to town to fill up with gas and air up the tires.

Pulls to the right, not terrible, but it does. Not sure if that's mismatched tires, alignment issue, or whatever. It'll be getting an alignment eventually anyway.

Finally had a chance to take it to a parking lot, has torque bind. But not terrible. I can't just leave it in FWD because my driveway is terrible right now and barely makes it up as is. I guess it'll just have to wait till 5mt swap time.

The auto tranny works pretty well. Shifts decently, etc. I can shift a manual smoother, but the auto does OK. I still find autos weird, I feel so disconnected from my car. Also I don't really understand auto trannies very well... just a bunch of smoke and mirrors to me.

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At least they are easy to do HG's on!! That sucks though. Is it getting hot at all??
Nope!! I've been watching the temp like a hawk and it doesn't budge. Weird I'd have the bubblies though, usually these leak externally

When I get that other ej22 I'll do the HGs and timing stuff and probably just swap them. I dunno... bet I could have it switched out in an afternoon.

Is it gonna overheat on me?

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You have bubblies in your coolant overflow? Head gasket party?!
I do have overflow bubbles of doom, and my coolant looks like POOOOP.... tis all sorts o oily..... and randomly overheats.

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Just keep an eye on the coolant level and the temp gauge. It is very weird. I'm wondering if there is another leak somewhere small that is allowing air into the system

I do have overflow bubbles of doom, and my coolant looks like POOOOP.... tis all sorts o oily..... and randomly overheats.
So that's what I have to look forward to? That sounds really fun. Is your heat shitty? I've noticed that the heat doesn't work as well in this as it did in my last legacy... This could be cause.

I guess I should get my behind in motion and replace headgaskets.... grumble. I was hoping it wouldn't break on me so soon.

If it isn't to hard to do the head gaskets (don't see why it would be) you should bring your car over to my house and I'll hook ya up.

Sucks, should have just resealed the whole thing when it was out!!! Lol, but that would have been the easy way, and that never happens!!

Sucks, should have just resealed the whole thing when it was out!!! Lol, but that would have been the easy way, and that never happens!!
woulda coulda shoulda. Easy to say now

It can't be that hard... Take off intake, radiator, timing belt, unbolt heads, put on new head gaskets, bolt heads back on, bolt intake back on, put radiator back in, replace other seals. Done. That took me all of about 32.5 seconds to type. Can't be that bad a job!

Crappy heat? Once it's up to temp, touch the two hoses that go to the firewall and into the heater core. If one is warm and the other isn't, you'll know you've got a clogged core, otherwise your heat woes are something else.

The biggest thin with doing the gaskets is pulling the motor, and the cleaning and prepping very well!!!And replace the valve cover gaskets you didn't do before lol

The heat just doesn't seem to be as good. Dunno. Maybe I'm just sick of winter and want it to not be so god damn cold.

That isn't really a huge issue because it does get pretty warm.

The engine is kinda the biggest issue right now.

Some silly things wrong with the car still, like the driver's side window leaks and the sunroof leaks. But those aren't really the end of the world. Blowing my engine kinda would be.

Yea if the last engine still ran....

When I'm up in Auburn this week I'll get the stuffs I need at EG.

Warm weather coming up + my heater it shouldn't be too bad.

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