You can take the heads off and still leave the shortblock in the car if you'd like. I did that with my old RS. And yah, get those heads resurfaced!

I guess I should get them resurfaced... Problem is I really need the car. I'll see what they look like. And ya, I'm doing it in car for sure. Not pulling it out again, stupid torque converter....

Chris when are you going to be in Auburn?
Not sure yet, I'm buying tires from I-wagon and meeting him some day after he gets out of work at EG. He's not sure what day yet, but I'll let you know when! Probably later in the week.

Nice!! I should do that to my Brat. I bet if you flushed it a few times, it would be even better. All that oily coolant is no good!! Now reply to my text!!! LOL

Now reply to my text!!! LOL
Oops, I had my phone in my pocket while working at my desk. That means no service... Lucky for you I got up to take a pee break

I'm going to do RGB LEDs with a dial to change the colour. And I'm going to make it work better than last time I did it. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to power the LEDs, then I'm ordering a buncha parts and going into production

I wish I could have the green grass in the picture too.... Eff this snow.


Can't wait to see how you do the LEDs this time.
Me neither! haha. It's gonna be a little more work because I don't like the red needles. So I'm going to paint them white. So I have to tape the gauges up really well and spray them. I really want to have UV LEDs lighting the white needles so they glow... I'll see.

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LED stuff on it's way.... I may or may not be doing RGBs on mine. Jason, you have RED on the way for your car. There's a good chance I'll have all the stuffs before the weekend. Hopefully I can get mine done to make sure it's all going to work, then on the weekend we can do yours!!

lol, we did a trade!!! I told you to pm me about a price on my headlights for when you come up to do your clutch job!!!

Oh noes, I lost a potential customer.

It's okay. Chris knows what he's doing.
Trading timing belt stuff and some other bits.

Unless you meant you're losing me as a custom because I'm doing my own.

But then you have to remember, it was I who, in my USM dorm room got you into this crazy stuff in the first place
