Nate's OBS: Out Front

Eh, I guess if the rust comes back I haven't lost anything other than an hour of sanding and a lot of sneezes.

I still have spanish homework to do though... Primer can wait until tomorrow.

What I was wondering was whether there was a primer that could seal it well enough to "cut off the oxygen" to prevent the rust from spreading. I don't actually know whether or not rust needs external oxygen to spread though.
like i-wagon said Rustoleum:

I have never used these two products, but have used many Rustoleum products before and they do what they say they do.

Rusty Metal Primer

Rust Reformer

I've got a different brand of rust neutralizer

and crap, I forgot about it after the first coat :doh:


Ive used the rusty metal primer. Works well for little bits of rust you cant get to. It seals it in.

So far so good. I didn't drive too much (just to the brewery and then back to yarmouth).

No more clanging so far

I put a third coat of anti-rust stuff in two or three specific areas that I couldn't sand very well on that cover, so in the morning I'll do a few coats of the primer I have.

I now need to find a good place to mount the central "hub" of wires on the new grounding kit. Five places to ground, and a sixth cable to run to the battery.

Then I get to make a parts run to look for a semi mud flap and a cone air filter.

what i did with the "hub" was mount that directly to the terminal. now if you take the top part off, your negative battery cable will slide over that piece, clamp and put the top on.

what i did with the "hub" was mount that directly to the terminal. now if you take the top part off, your negative battery cable will slide over that piece, clamp and put the top on.
Yeah I noticed that the hub had a sort of "built-in" battery connector, but there's a spot or two that I wouldn't be able to reach on the passenger side of the car if I mounted it where its supposed to be.

So I was thinking of mounting it somewhere else, but I have no idea where.

In other news, I accidentally left my hood unlatched this morning (I was looking for grounding points waiting for my ride to school) so when I took the car to portland, I noticed that my hood was flipping out going 60mph on 295. I pulled over, shut it, and got to do a 2nd, a 3rd, and most of a 4th gear pull

i do those at least a few times a day;)

and i have no idea where you'd want to mount that thing.... just make sure it's a clean connection (no rust)

and i have no idea where you'd want to mount that thing.... just make sure it's a clean connection (no rust)
There's only 5 grounding points I want to connect to, so I can use the extra (6th) cable you gave me to run back to the battery, therefore eliminating the need for the hub to be grounded.

what you could do, instead of using the big gaudy thing, is use one bole through all the terminals on the battery ends of the 5 that ground the car, to the one that goes to the battery

Well I'll see what fits and what doesn't. Hopefully I'll have time tonight or tomorrow (depending on homework).

hahaha homework. i'm glad i don't have taht crap anymore...wait, i didn't do it when i was in school:p

3 AP classes sucks. At least the normal math class is a joke, and AP stats is not too bad once I understand new concepts 'n such.

English, Spanish, and AP US history suck for me though.

On the way out to play (bro's snowboard and two spare wheels/tires):

all loaded up:

My front wheels look way too tippy:

Grounding points:

Did I put this cable in the right spot? The guide I was following had a point somewhere under the alt cover, but this point is outside of it (which I didn't realize until I put the cover back on).

Here's a ground at the passenger side under the air intake. I picked it because the headlight is grounded to the same bolt.

Sorry about the bad focus in these two shots. The bolt looks weird because there's water all around it.

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The front tires are supposed to be like that when they are turned, and it looks like that grounding wire has a chance of rubbing on the belts

The front tires are supposed to be like that when they are turned, and it looks like that grounding wire has a chance of rubbing on the belts
I believe its fine in that respect. I'm just concerned that its not going to ground well.

I'm actually going to chain the grounding points together. The one under the air intake will connect to the one by the alternator, which will then go to the battery.

I'm also using the bolt that holds the dipstick tube to the engine. That one will go right to the battery.

So I grounded the thing on the passenger side to the bolt by the alternator, and then that to the battery.

I was going to ground the driver's side head (I think that's what it is) where the dipstick has a thin metal piece to stabilize it, but I lost the bolt to that thin metal piece...

I have to drive it tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes. I looked for an hour and a bit and didn't find it...
