Nate's OBS: Out Front

If you're putting the time into it, just take the orange out and paint all shiny black. Also, don't forget that you need to pick up orange bulbs for a sticker.

If you're putting the time into it, just take the orange out and paint all shiny black. Also, don't forget that you need to pick up orange bulbs for a sticker.
I'm working on prying out the orange now.

My fingertips hurt

Since they're not turn signals, I don't think the lights need to be orange. I've seen lots of cars with white bulbs there.

Dont paint the lenses! The shiny stuff right around the bulbs. But other then that, paint everything black and remove all orange. It will look so good! This was one of my favorite free mods.

You mean don't paint the reflector?

In my mind (which is probably wrong), the lenses are the clear parts with the orange bits on them. The reflectors are the shiny things in the shape of ripples around the bulbs, and the rest of the shiny stuff is just for looks. I chipped some of it off (one spot in each light
) so they're going to be painted black


I still can't get the second orange piece off... Its back in the oven to see if the heat will help loosen it, but its not budging...

I've been using my fingers as fulcrums for various small flat-heads, but its not working. That's how I got the first one out.

This second one still won't budge. At this point, I'm just trying to chip little piece off of it to get it to loosen.

There's googone behind the orange, but I think its melted in, not glued.

I'm breaking out the dremel soon...

edit: I just stuck it back in the oven for kicks. Plus, I had to heat it back up to warm some fries

blech, I took the fries out too early

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heh. just answered you on rs25. it shouldn't be that hard but the dremel should give it a good start

Too late, I got it out using wire strippers to grip the sides of it.

Now to figure out the best way of painting it...

before you paint anything, you're painting the right part right...? you're supposed to pull out all the chrome pieces and just paint like the background of it

I'll take some pictures and put them in photoshop or MSpaint to illustrate what I want to do.

There are no chrome "pieces," just chrome paint on the plastic housing, at least from what I can tell.

I still haven't showered, so I'm going to do that and then look at them again. My fingers are all raw from prying out the last orange piece

This is what I'm going for now:

Tell me what you think, I think I painted too much...
Isn't everything except the "ripple" textured plastic repainted black?



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before you paint anything, you're painting the right part right...? you're supposed to pull out all the chrome pieces and just paint like the background of it
Don't leave me hanging
. I want to get these painted soon.

is it ok to leave the reflective paint half-on? I scuffed it up really good with 600 grit sandpaper. I don't think it will be easy to get it completely off, but if I have to in order to let the primer grab the plastic better, I'll attempt it.

The paint I'm using is Krylon indoor/outdoor, but its for "Metal, wood, wicker, and more." Primer is Rustoleum Painter's Touch, also for wood, metal, wicker, and more. I assume these are both ok for plastic.

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krylon fusion is the best plastic paint. you can get it in flat or gloss black i believe. but if you prime it anything should work.

So do you think its worth picking up a can of Fusion over standard krylon?

edit: I have a can of metallic finish I'm going to use as clearcoat (if it acts like clear, otherwise I'm going to clearcoat over it). I'm not sure what it's going to turn out like though.

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