Nate's OBS: Out Front

I decided not to go with a new head unit yet, I don't have the cash, or at least, I won't after I buy these RS 5-spokes
. They're already painted gray, and I'm hoping that it matches my bottom paint color. If I don't like it, I'm going to repaint them gold or bronze though. Also probably picking up a set of Hella driving lights from the same guy.

Can't wait to ditch these steelies and be able to see better at night!

Still looking for ebay strut bars as I haven't confirmed that most of the ones on there will fit wagons or not.

I've toyed with that, but I enjoy being low to the ground too much. Only down-side is that I'm blinding by every single set of headlights at night.

Plus, aren't there issues with the Impreza drivetrain being at a weird angle with fozzy springs? I'm not really sure where I heard that, or even what I heard. Anyway, I'm going to stay at stock ride height for a while at least.

The only thing I can think is that when you're lifted you'll eat axles a little more often than normally, but you shouldn't have a problem with it. Besides it's fun to be able to drive over those islands in the middle of parking lots

hah, I think I could do that if I just took my bumpers off. I really want to do steel-pipe bumpers like Jackson Rally's wagon.

hah, I think I could do that if I just took my bumpers off. I really want to do steel-pipe bumpers like Jackson Rally's wagon.
You could take them off... by driving over islands in the parking lot

I had my car lowered, and it was way fun! Some days I wish my car was slammed on coilovers. On those days, I drive out to the desert and tear **** up.

Being lifted was the best mod(until I get my supercharger done
) I've done with my car so far. I've had zero axle problems, they only problem I have had, is finding some place I can't go...

Nate, figure out what you actually want to do with your car first, then go in that direction. The MODZ MODZ MODZ MAD TYTE BRO might be kicking in, but really, function trumps all.

This^. I feel so stoopid that I spent $500 on rims, $250 on exhaust, $250 on Springs, etc... Sit down and really dig. I could have had a turboed car by now if I thought aboot it! Always think before you spend...

Nate, figure out what you actually want to do with your car first, then go in that direction. The MODZ MODZ MODZ MAD TYTE BRO might be kicking in, but really, function trumps all.
Yep, I already got this. I'm first going to go for wheels, 'cause I get made fun of for my steelies
. Then lighting because I don't want to have to slow down at night because I can't see if there are people on the side of the road or not. Then I'm going with some cheap suspension mods if I still have interest: ebay strut bars and a WRX 20mm rear sway bar. After that I'll probably be getting two speakers and an amp.

... going with some cheap suspension mods if I still have interest: ebay strut bars and a WRX 20mm rear sway bar.
fair warning nate--upsizing rear bar on a GC will make an already tail-happy car even more so. this is one of those 'careful what u wish for' kind of mods, there are some members here who will tell you tales of snap oversteer that put them in the weeds so fast they never knew what happened. (see pics of Mini Drive II for the gory details)

not that you can't to this mod, just beware that the rear end will want to come around pretty quick on snow or dirt. and on sandy/wet/greasy tarmac, whoa watch out it'll snap with little or no warning and you gotta be a quick contersteerer or you're going off the road backwards.

fair warning nate--upsizing rear bar on a GC will make an already tail-happy car even more so. this is one of those 'careful what u wish for' kind of mods, there are some members here who will tell you tales of snap oversteer that put them in the weeds so fast they never knew what happened. (see pics of Mini Drive II for the gory details)
Yup, bigger bar dumped me in the woods. Oopsie

heh, no arguments that bigger bar helps rotation...just sayin "be ready BEFORE tail snaps around" cuz now it will, and snap quick. them's who's not dealt with it before can find the learning curve kind of expensive.

heh, no arguments that bigger bar helps rotation...just sayin "be ready BEFORE tail snaps around" cuz now it will, and snap quick. them's who's not dealt with it before can find the learning curve kind of expensive.
hahah yep... be ready to learn how to drive. I say it is a great mod go for it... but if you don't know how to countersteer buy a parts car!
