Nate's OBS: Out Front

Mark has struts for sale for $80

Oh and I went 6 months without having my car inspected. Just don't get pulled over
Lol, with my luck I'd last two weeks or so. I probably do need this axle taken care of. I think they may have been pulling my chain on the struts (I didn't see no oil...) but I'm going to check under there right now.

give it the Bounce Check...poosh down on corners with full body weight and if car comes back to rest in 1 cycle no bouncing, struts are OK. if there's a 1-2 or more bounce action after you push down, they're toast.

have you been smelling a burnt oil smell lately? that's a classic case of axles throwing lube onto hot exhaust....think of it as an olfactory idiot light that axles are done

I honestly haven't smelled anything on top of fuel and clutch.

Bounce test: Push down, returns to top, bottom, top, centers out to rest (both front corners), does that mean 1.5 bounces? I noticed what they meant by oil on the front driver's strut, it just makes the metal/dirt look a bit damp. I'm wondering if it could just be PB Blaster I got in there when I was trying to kill the rust on my brakes. Nothing on the pass. strut.

CV boot dropped goop all over one of the exhaust heat shields (I couldn't see it from under the car with only the spare-tire jack, but I did stick my rubber glove through it).

I hope you didn't actually get any pb blaster on your brakes. And why are you smelling clutch!?

visible fluid leakage on a strut is grounds for flunking it

notice any diff in action/reaction betweem the leaky strut and non leak one?

good strut should go , poosh down then rise back up to center, no bounce at all

I didn't try the rear struts (I'm assuming they're still good since the tech said nothing about them) but both front struts did the same bounce.

What bratman said, and ...

(I couldn't see it from under the car with only the spare-tire jack, but I did stick my rubber glove through it).
Please don't tell me you got under the car with it just supported by the spare tire jack!! those things are DANGEROUS!!! I don't want to see in the news about someone by the name of Nate getting squashed by a subaru held up by a spare tire jack...

Wipe the oil, pb blaster, or whatever it is off your strut so it's nice and clean. Then go drive on a bumpy road and see if the oil comes back.

I wasn't that far under it, just peeking in from the ground next to the car. And I just looked over the tires at the struts (needed to lower the wheels a bit from the wheel wells, hence lifting up the car).

I'm giggling about Nate doing the boing boing thing on his OBS Out Front! maybe we missed a chance for even more fun by telling him to poosh car up and down with his pelvis........;>P


Just clean up the strut and see if it really is leaking. Even if it fails the boingy test it'll still pass inspection. At least, I've never seen a car with overly excited struts fail. Our 99 obw has pretty boing happy struts...

haha... Just clean up the strut and see if it really is leaking. Even if it fails the boingy test it'll still pass inspection. At least, I've never seen a car with overly excited struts fail. Our 99 obw has pretty boing happy struts...
Just cleaned up the driver's side one. Put a paper towel around the strut and pelvis-bounced the car for a bit. Didn't get any new oil dripping out onto the paper towel. The rubber boot around the strut does look like it had a tad bit of oil down one side of it, so I have no idea.

edit: in other words, I think VIP may have been "overly honest" about bad struts.

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^That. They told me that those tires I have on my car would never fit. So I went to Evergreen.
and your car is not suppose to have those tires on it and both of you guys need to take it easy on vip cause there are members here who work there and know how to work on subarus without a problem

Okay just VIP in Lewiston. I dont have any experience with any other ones, so Im keeping my hatred for them.
