Nate's OBS: Out Front

So, unfortunately, I'm not getting the work done by either Mikey or Lobstah. Parents didn't want me to be responsible if anything went wrong, and so they're paying the difference between Mikey and Sears (we know the manager, and he's doing the work personally). Too bad the $$$ difference could have payed for used speakers, swaybars, and two more struts for the rear.

Look for me on 295 south to the Maine Mall. My eyes are always peeled for Subies.

Yeah I know
. Last year putting up with this.

Butt dyno says T-belt and water pump made a huge difference. Why, I have no idea. Just feels smoother when I'm accelerating.

Struts also made the ride a lot stiffer. I guess the old struts were more dead than I thought.

Struts that don't pass the bouncy test are kinda annoying to drive...

T-belt will improve performance if the timing was off ... unlikely. If it was off you'd probably have had a rough idle and maybe a CEL.

Bouncy struts were definitely annoying. But I swear the ride got stiffer

About once a week the car would almost stall at startup. That's about the worst that happened. It was fine once the revvs went up then back down to normal.

Also, my parking brake light has been going on while driving... If I accelerate hard at all, the light will wink on between shifts. Sometimes I can get it to turn off by going WOT. It seems to correspond with the pitch of the car.

Does the alternator idiot light come on too?

The only time I've ever seen the e-brake light come on randomly is when my alt was having issues. The e-brake light comes on with the alt light, for whatever reason ...


I can definitely tell that the brake isn't actually braking, but it may be bumping against the inside of the drum or something without slowing the car down.

I think i have the issue u had earlier with the not smooth acceleration. What fixed it for you?
I assume the timing belt + water pump job. I didn't even notice it was an issue before though.

Yeah. I think mine is my cats/sensors are bad. It runs really rich? I'm gonna make a post on it later. I'm gonna do plugs, wires, fuel filter, and oil filter really soon. Hopefully its cleans it out

Yeah I got an oil filter a while ago and that didn't really fix anything. I'm going to do plugs and wires soon as well. Maybe a fuel filter sooner or later.

So, after my TBelt job, my PSteering started squaling. I thought it was just a loose belt, so I went to tighten it today. Belt felt fine, but I tightened it a tad anyway and started the car to test it. The PS doesn't sound like a squealing with the hood up, more of a high pitched metal grinding sound.

Fluid looks good. Do I just need a new pump??? Flush the fluid?

Take it back where the work was done, obviously if it started after the job was done it was something that happened while they were working on it.

18.50 cumberland county....we have to do emission testing...15.50 1996 and up....12.50 for anything else

being that i work for vip as a tech i can say there are a lot of idiots that work here...i mean a have to understand that all the counter people know prob nothing about cars...there retail..they read a computer and spit it back out...i dont know a lot of other stores techs but at scarborough its me an another guy whos a master tech, worked for toyota, honda, o4fxt you might know troy.....

find yourself a good tech that you can trust and understand what there telling you so you dont get screwed.....or take the next step and do it yourself and save a ton of money...

Well today after driving for a bit it fixed. I'll check it again in the morning to see if it does it cold, but when I got home and parked it, I realized I hadn't heard any squealing so I went ahead and tried to turn the wheel past lock, and no squealing.

What could it be other than fluid or a dead pump? Pump is obviously not dead, but...
