Nate's OBS: Out Front

In the spring I'm taking you for a ride with winters on, then we're putting my RE01R summer tires on and doing the same ride.
May I accompany you on said ride?

well, I will anyway lolz

If you do end up with Matt's exhaust, you won't be disappointed. I've heard it a couple times; not too loud, but a nice rumble!

Lol @ Dan and Chris

Dan, would you be demonstrating to me the importance of good tires, or the capability of the stock suspension setup?

Mike, I thought that Matt was just offering me a stock OBS axle back without a muffler. I'll go reread his posts and see if I missed something. Matt, I'm grateful for whatever you're offering me though

Dan, would you be demonstrating to me the importance of good tires, or the capability of the stock suspension setup?
Tires. People overlook tires waaay to much. Throwing money at other parts of the car is silly when your tires are the things that connect to the road. Think about that. Your sway bars don't touch the road, your struts don't touch the road, your tires do. Yes suspension helps, but when you're running skinny all seasons, lets be real.

At the oval track its fun to see the guys who show up with their fancy street cars and loop it around the back stretch because they're crappy road tires can't hold it together.

At an autocross, R-comps vs street tires. At a Rallycross, gravels vs winters.

Also as a new driver, you are not pushing your car to its limits. I drove a jeep for a year and a half, then got my RS. I thought I was a decent driver, then I drove it for a year, and did a season of autocross on it. Night and day. Riding with other people and having my dad drive my car at one autocross showed that there was things to learn. Just don't go throwing your car into a guard rail trying to push your limits on the street.

You really need seat time before anything else.

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I know that for sure. My current task is learning to shift better. I still feel like I have to be on the clutch too much in first and reverse.

Say I want to go really slow backwards. I hold the clutch midway to stop the car from accelerating away from me as it tries to get up to idle. I also don't like how I can't hold first gear very long (~20mph, 25 tops).

Oh well, I'll get used to it soon.

I just thought of something: Could using 87 oct. gas, or whatever the lowest rating is now, be causing the smell around my car when I start it? I still think it may be my crappy clutch skills, but it definitely smells like at least a little fuel. What did you think when we were at Chris's house?

I know that for sure. My current task is learning to shift better. I still feel like I have to be on the clutch too much in first and reverse.Say I want to go really slow backwards. I hold the clutch midway to stop the car from accelerating away from me as it tries to get up to idle. I also don't like how I can't hold first gear very long (~20mph, 25 tops).

Oh well, I'll get used to it soon.

I just thought of something: Could using 87 oct. gas, or whatever the lowest rating is now, be causing the smell around my car when I start it? I still think it may be my crappy clutch skills, but it definitely smells like at least a little fuel. What did you think when we were at Chris's house?
First part, much better things to work on. Being comfortable shifting and driving a standard is great. I learned on my dad's v6 commuter Camaro. I didn't really become comfortable with standards until I drove it to school (hour round trip a day) for a week while he was away on a trip. I think you'd also benefit from riding with someone else with an NA (even better a 2.2) car just to see how they drive and when they shift. Different perspectives do wonders.

Safety always trumps performance.

Second thing, 87 gas isn't the smell. We don't have fancy turbo cars with super cool tunes that need good gas. I've been running regular since I've had the car.

I'll be the first to admit I'm a crappy mechanic, so I can't comment on the smell. Chris thought it was more of a cat / o2 kinda smell, but I'm sure he's got better insight as to what he thought then I do.

Now if you'll excuse me I've got a Brewfest to go enjoy.

he's got one, his dad and my dad are along with him; so yeah they all of a dd. I have a ticket but have been plagued for the last month and a half with recurring nausea and a generally crappy feeling, so i opted out.

for everyone I went to the doctor, no piggy flu for me


Anyway, I posted up on RS25 and the two people who posted both said that its definitely going to sound too honda-ish unless I get UEL headers. One of them also said to just get an Ebay muffler and UEL headers.

Ebay/cheapo muffler sounds like a better route than a glasspack muffler, though I'm still open to both.

I assumed that you were picking up the car-back that Matt made for his wagon. If not, use him as a really good resource. He knows what he is talking about!

As for driving and clutch work, Dan has a good point in observing other drivers. For me, I take it easy when driving around town (fifth gear when going above 35, keeping the RPM under 4000 at all times). This saves me some gas and hopefully will give my motor and tranny a couple more miles. When my little girl (of wife) isn't in the car, I have a little more fun. Our NA engines find their giddy-up above 4000 to red line. Maybe after a winter in your car you can enter it in an auto cross this coming summer to learn your car's characteristics beyond your daily driving. Other than that, just have fun with it and try not to blow all your cash on stuff that we're selling!

I assumed that you were picking up the car-back that Matt made for his wagon. If not, use him as a really good resource. He knows what he is talking about! As for driving and clutch work, Dan has a good point in observing other drivers. For me, I take it easy when driving around town (fifth gear when going above 35, keeping the RPM under 4000 at all times). This saves me some gas and hopefully will give my motor and tranny a couple more miles. When my little girl (of wife) isn't in the car, I have a little more fun. Our NA engines find their giddy-up above 4000 to red line. Maybe after a winter in your car you can enter it in an auto cross this coming summer to learn your car's characteristics beyond your daily driving. Other than that, just have fun with it and try not to blow all your cash on stuff that we're selling!
I have noticed that there is very little pickup in second until 4k, which is why I hate that 1st gear is so short... I guess it has to be to make it easier to start moving though. I also shift up whenever possible. I can't do 5th at 35 though, but I do 4th. 3rd at 25 unless accelerating.

I thought we already established that you had UEL headers?!?!
I'm thought we had decided just the opposite
. When we were under Dan's car doing an oil/filter change, I had a look at his headers and they looked very similar to mine. I don't know if his are equal or unequal length though.

Mine looks kind of like the ones here labeled 05 in general shape, but I'm not sure about the part where the two pipes join up.


but I'm not sure if they are actually UEL or not. I can check it out with a flashlight, now that I know what I'm looking for exactly.

regardless of what headers he does have.... a glasspack, particularly the one's i'd have you get, are the same thing as an ebay can, but thicker gauge steel and better quality. shouldn't sound bad, mine with no resonator and a glasspack was kinda mean. and i wouldn't buy headers yet or maybe at all. i just can't justify needing them unless you want the rumble that bad... like me:D

-----Added 11/7/2009 at 05:17:39-----

yeah, the borla's and ebay wrx's int he pics are obviously uel. the 05 ones are el

They look exactly like the '05 ones here.

I don't think I'm going to do headers ever though... Too much money.

How much would a set of WRX headers cost though? Junk-yard salvage quality or higher

okay... bump...

So I posted up here on RS25. People are saying that a glasspack will be way too loud. There also saying that I will sound like a honda without UEL headers.

I'm tempted to go the way of the WRX catback for $20 plus materials for the adapter (two thick steel plates, one pipe (2.5-3" diameter), and welding stuff). The only problem is that its rusty in the picture, and I don't want to have to deal with exhaust leaks.

You SHOULD have UEL headers and WRX headers will not work on your car ...

The turbo headers connect to the uppipe which then connect to the turbo ... you have neither

You SHOULD have UEL headers and WRX headers will not work on your car ...
The turbo headers connect to the uppipe which then connect to the turbo ... you have neither

Well it most definitely has the ones in the pictures labeled '05.

CEL again... I bet the cat is gone, since it would explain the smell at startup (and I just realized that I wouldn't notice the smell while moving because it would be lost in the wind...).

Reverse also craps bricks every time I try to get in. I hate to think what the gear looks like now compared to before I bought the car.
