New England Forest Rally 2009


New member
Heading out wicked soon. Seizure all up-over there soon.

Be good out there! Be safe everyone!.!!1



New member
Back for the evening. I saw all the cool peeps there and one **** face retard in a BMW. What a moron.

Gots a few hundred pics to upload, about 20 videos of many cars going over real big jumps, and not the Red Bull jump either.
Off to sleep then back at it wicked early tomorrow. See you in Gorham!



Just got back. Had a great day. Sunday River and Concord were amazing. Mexico not so much.

Met up with GClark and Kristof along the way. Hung out with them for the whole day, ended up going to Sunday River Brewing for dinner.

Saw Sub_Leg, LGHT SBR, RezPunk, Redline, Inski, Brighton, Pedro, and probably some other people.



New member
Rally was soooo sick! Rode in Kristof's STI, sooo sexy. Got a lot of good pics too tired to upload them today. Same thing tomorrow hopefully. But with more food...



8/26/85 - 5/23/10
Just heading out to work the mill stage this morning, Got tons of pics see in gallery, uploading more as we speak, post tonight. I also have about 20min of video as well that i will upload tomorrow if i can. Saw more people then i can count, and the mex rec looked like a Subaru convention



rally 002.jpg

rally 007.jpg

rally 010.jpg

rally 003.jpg

rally 016.jpghad a good time with the guy up there at the rally. It was nice meeting you all and beign a complete ass to everyone lol. only down side was having to see the tail lights of a bmw going the speed limit the whole way and waiting an hour to meet up with the conga line
. everyone should be proud of me i got my car completly filthy. here are some pics

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New member
yeah those came out really good

my girlfriend has all the vids on her phone, i went to shoot one but it said "please insert formatted memory card"

was anyone standing near the guy with the irish accent?

he seemed pretty cool, other than driving a mitsubishi =P
