New England Forest Rally 2009


New member
Well we are heading out about 8am. If I see the McD's on my way thru Paris, I'll certainly stop in to see if any of you are there. If not I'll just see you all up there. I'm driving a white 05 LGT w/ blk wheels. cell # 653-1491
Fair enough, gimme a call to discuss PM'd details. 522-7668



New member
I'll be with RTI Motorsports' red STi #779 at parc expose by (I'm hoping) 6pm. Come on by and say hi



New member
any idea what the weather forcast is?

63 f, 77% relative humidity, 29.92 barometric pressure and falling according to my little weather station here in Dixfield.

A visual inspection detects mostly gray skies with a few raindrops visible on my Yota windshield....

pool 72 f, clean and vaccume doin' it's thang...

Of course other than the pool I have no control over what happens up the street. I am not sure if it the nearby hills, the river or what but the weather changes really dramatically around here from mile to mile.

For weather I highly recomomend this site:

Although the longterm forecast they have is lame the "wunder map" they have is just rokkin....



New member
Damm New England weather...


Now it looks like this... the picture neatly hides all the little flaws with the pool!

& yes bringing UR own towel is deelpy appreciated... I single handedly keep the laundry supply people in red ink by washing towells year round for the pool and then hottub....

BYOB...Bring Ur own Bathingsuit.

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New member
Wunderground FTW. Just thought of something.

Bring along a basic tool kit, just incase. Never know when you might need something important.



Damm New England weather...

Now it looks like this... the picture neatly hides all the little flaws with the pool!

& yes bringing UR own towel is deelpy appreciated... I single handedly keep the laundry supply people in red ink by washing towells year round for the pool and then hottub....

BYOB...Bring Ur own Bathingsuit.
so you guys decided if you having peopel over friday after races to hang out bqq and swim? or maybe just meet up for a few drinks?



New member
yeah sure but I would play it by ear... we are supposed to having dinner at Sunday river Tomorrow night and no one knows what the weather will bring... I may B able to talk her into blowing off dinner after the last Friday stages and having peeps over; it would depend on the interest people have in doing so..

HAHAHAHA,.,,, the kids R gone.. I'll do it any day as long as I am here. park 20 stinkin sewbies on my lawn I don't care... well as long as none of them leak to much.

to bad I hear thunder now, the weather is more psycho than my wife.... meh.. it's always beer thirty at the pool

U guys could also use my place for a carpool spot if U wanted to.. I am not far at all from Mexico rec park and 20 or so minutes (Depending on UR boost rpessure) from Sunday River

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New member
yeah sure but I would play it by ear... we are supposed to having dinner at Sunday river Tomorrow night and no one knows what the weather will bring... I may B able to talk her into blowing off dinner after the last Friday stages and having peeps over; it would depend on the interest people have in doing so..
HAHAHAHA,.,,, the kids R gone.. I'll do it any day as long as I am here. park 20 stinkin sewbies on my lawn I don't care... well as long as none of them leak to much.

to bad I hear thunder now, the weather is more psycho than my wife.... meh.. it's always beer thirty at the pool

U guys could also use my place for a carpool spot if U wanted to.. I am not far at all from Mexico rec park and 20 or so minutes (Depending on UR boost rpessure) from Sunday River
Basically tomorrow night, I'd be down for pretty much just about anything, although like I said before it all depends on who's coming with me. Also you can't forget a possible BMW on that lawn...the fact that it leaks ever so slightly tells me that my precious TC is still alive



New member
I would B donw for a gathering of sorts after tomorrows last stage... The wife will happily bag dinner at Sunday River if some people want to come and chill..

hopefully a bunch of U will B able to come and hang as the woman will kill me of we bag dinner for nothing...

Bring UR own towel, food and/or beer. I have gas grill, pool and plenty of parking...



im so jacked about going to this. i haven't been out of the house in 4 days and could use a nice long drive



New member
im so jacked about going to this. i haven't been out of the house in 4 days and could use a nice long drive
Once you see a car by on a real stage, you'll be jacked all year for the next one...



ok burned myself like 5 new cd's for the drive ahve all my hot pokcets pre cooked and water cold for tommorow. see you guys in south paris at the mcdonalds around 8:15 again my cell is 803-546-1861 if you need to reach me

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New member
Uncrustables R great for roadtripz... just pack a frozen box of them and they slowly that over the day... damm things are even good frozen.



Gear's nearly all packed.

Andrew, GClark, and myself meeting at the minot ave rite aid for 8am. South Paris to meet with kristof between 8:15 and 8:30. Cell number already doled out. Should be a good one.
