New England Forest Rally 2009

Inski... U DA MAN.... well potentially woman as well... cause I hate to discriminate and have never seen U so I just dont know and hate to show bias based on gender...huh?

I have been awaiting that stuff for a while so I can arrange my expedition to said area... Again I need to check with the wife.... I have plenty of room in my yard to open my own campground with a pool no less..only thing I dont have is a decent gas grill right now... somehow I lit mine of fire...hehehehe!

hahahahaha... I was looking at that huge PDF that outlines the course.... Based on the rain we have gotten and what I have seen on the while on the ATV... these guys should consider bringing boats, life preserveres and maybe some of the captains from Deadliest catch to help navigate the ocean they may run into.

I also beleive that the Rumford section plus more is going to B easy squeezy to access via ATV...

DO drivers get a much more detailed outline of the course? I would love to see EXACTLY where it is these peepz will B driving so I can plan accordingly.

I sitll want Ken BLock to come over and sign my hood...

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And I don't think we have to worry about to much dust!

<--dude, man, guy, boy in old geezer body

topdeeni, bring your car to Park Expose, Ken Block will sign your hood. Bring a fat Sharpie and a camera.

not quit the same as bringing a guitar to have it signed but OK.... I have all three... a sharpie, camera and a car... booyah. I just may do...

So where are some good places for spectators to be, as I have never been to this rally before?

it loox like they have busses to drop peeps near or at key places... just a matter of staying with the flow of the race I guess. This is all new to me as well and I can't wait to see this....

and I have to figure out if I can bring my car or not...I have two big considerations..1) GAWD my clutch hates stop and go traffic.. I mean LOATHES IT... 2) removal and addition of certain parts including heatshields, exhaust, ect, ect... parking anywhere but pavement can potentially become a smoke/fire filled scenario underneath my car...

What - you think these rally cars have stock under-carriages?
Yep and I be they drive these things to church and the supermarket as well.... HAHAHA... good point redline... It's early and I am still trying to lower the blood level in my caffiene system....

turning out to be a huge event.
51 entrants

Print this spectator guide <--maps and info you need!

spectator guide right there!!! if someone gets the rally / stage canceled for not staying behind the yellow tape I will be PI$$ED!!! I've been waiting for this all year!

and deeni, I'm pretty sure the 06 sti can manage!!! if I'm going to try to bring the 92 wagon out there I think you should be fine!

Ok, For those who really dont understand spectating in a US rally.

You can spectate, but ONLY at the designated areas, unless you have a press pass, working the rally for Rally America, VIP, or private land owner of the woods the cars are traveling thru. Reason for this is because spectators have died by being run over, and driver & co-driver have died because spectators were on coarse in a non-spectator area.

See the spectator guide for the designated spots.

These rally teams are covering a hundred miles. Timing is crucial and the spectating areas and times have been ironed out for maximum speed for the rally drivers as well as maximum enjoyment for the viewers. Do your part by being at the designated area on time so the rally can happen without delays or slow downs because of people. Be cool. Enjoy our only rally.


<---dixfield and I the wife is coming as well. We have made arrangments to tie the kids up0 inthe basement, errrr... get them to her moms house for a few days!

We are going both days and are still unsure of parking arrangememts. Far as I am concerned all of U could park at my place and then carpool... could probably fit 15-20 of U on the property b4 we had to use the street... BYOT for sure!

BTW; went and scanned Mxxico Rec, park today... do not know if they are using it for parking or not but a good portion of what I saw was muddy and I was scared to venture into the back field area.

This sounds sooo wrong to hear from a Subaru owner but my car soooo hates unpaved roads....

ok anyone form my neck of the woods going? if so what days and did u want to meet up and drive up together?

Weelll we can meet in the same spot for the rally as the sea dogs game. Im game for goin saturday

Weelll we can meet in the same spot for the rally as the sea dogs game. Im game for goin saturday

ok let me double check with the mrs but i think saturday will work great. im in turner so goign into lewiston i think is actually back tracking but ill google map it and find a good meeting point

yeah from turner your best bet is to take 108 to mexico and your right there for the SS on friday. But Sat is in NH so it get a bit more complicated to get there. For me its just hope on rt 2 and drive for an a lot peice of time

on a side note went to Team O'neil for worker training on sunday had a blast learned a lot about timeing a rally and took a few pics with my iphone

but there are some amazing pics on
