Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself...StiXXX' 2005 STi

Here's my take

I find hill climbs pretty interesting, but I wont do it in a car i owe money on or use for a daily driver. Same feeling I have with track days.

And when i was a bit of a younger lad I used to 1/4 mile race, but I dont find it all that interesting anymore. NED became a huge pain in the ass once the Fast and the Furious came out, and now it's just a headache to go down there and deal with that crowd.

On auto-X: To come out and race people that know what they're doing,when I don't,rings with abject absurdity. Pass.
The only way to get better at something is to do it. Put it this way you can spend all the money in the world on plastic surgery but to be a porn star you've got to practice.

Damn,there goes my career in porn.

We all like different things,that's what makes us individuals,and separates us from monkeys.

"I prefer to race myself,I find that when I beat myself,I have only myself to blame.
On the hill climb: I'm not going hoping to actually win anything,hell,I'm far too not into wrecking my car. It's all about the fun,and just doing it.

And watching them drift uphill,well,that's just sick.

Truth is,I'd rather be drifting,myself,but building a drift car is a bit more of an expense than I'm willing to undertake-for the money,to have a 500hp drift car that I can't street,currently runs against my delicate sensibilities.

It'd be a blast to run a convertible 350z drift car here in the summer,but the bang for the buck just doesn't add up.

im excited to do the hillclimb! blasting up the straight stretches will be a rush in the accord.

i too have never done autocross. i dont see myself trying it anytime soon, due to the fact my car would be totally USELESS. a d15 civic would kick my ass..haha. roadcourse, and drag race on the other hand... ;D

we have a auto x (my drug of choice) coming up at the main mall. the entry fee is stupid small , and i find it to be a hell of a lot of fun. if you decided you want to come check it out or watch. look me up i've got the bright blue GC with the prodrive wing. i'd be more then happy to take you for a ride.

we have a auto x (my drug of choice) coming up at the main mall. the entry fee is stupid small , and i find it to be a hell of a lot of fun. if you decided you want to come check it out or watch. look me up i've got the bright blue GC with the prodrive wing. i'd be more then happy to take you for a ride.
There's an autocross at the mall?

there is indeed. out where they have that fair and stuff. and where the only time people park out there is xmas where there are 50 million people in the mall. check out the CMC site for more info.

oh and STIXXX if you come bring the 8 i've ALWAYS wanted to drive one of them! hahahaha ;D

this is like trying to talk a straight man in to anal sex (with a man)... it just aint gonna happen
Still no luck pat? ;D
I kinda doubted I would enjoy auto-x before giving it a try, but I found it to be a fun, low cost way to challenge myself behind the wheel. It certainly isn't for everyone, but a lot of people who think it looks boring find it to be much more exciting and challenging from inside the car.
I really hope the next fast and the furious doesn't feature auto-x.

Don't Hit Those Cones!The Fast & the Furious,Part III


Scene: Mall parking lot.

In the window of Macy's, a lone naked mannequin looks out over an IHOP.

The lot is empty, save a lone man placing cones in the center of the lot.

The cold Detroit sun rises behind him as he determinedly places the cones, one after another, making a circle.

Cue: The sound of a loud motor, or possibly Vin Diesel breaking wind after one too many pizza slices.

Enter: Rip Dash McFee, drift king, in a beat up Evo VII.

Rip hops out,and saunters over to the cones.

Rip: Hey, Dave, what's up?

Dave: Just putting up these keen new cones for today's Big Rally with Noballs Nokkimura nd the Shiatsushimi Gang

Rip: I got these swell new tires at Sullivan's, I hope they stick well.
**At this point, everyone in the theater falls asleep.

And that's why I don't think F n' F III will feature Auto-X.

Don't Hit Those Cones!The Fast & the Furious,Part III


Scene: Mall parking lot.

In the window of Macy's, a lone naked mannequin looks out over an IHOP.

The lot is empty, save a lone man placing cones in the center of the lot.

The cold Detroit sun rises behind him as he determinedly places the cones, one after another, making a circle.

Cue: The sound of a loud motor, or possibly Vin Diesel breaking wind after one too many pizza slices.

Enter: Rip Dash McFee, drift king, in a beat up Evo VII.

Rip hops out,and saunters over to the cones.

Rip: Hey, Dave, what's up?

Dave: Just putting up these keen new cones for today's Big Rally with Noballs Nokkimura nd the Shiatsushimi Gang

Rip: I got these swell new tires at Sullivan's, I hope they stick well.
**At this point, everyone in the theater falls asleep.

And that's why I don't think F n' F III will feature Auto-X.
We can only hope. I loathe to think of the day when the gay and the curious crew comes to my favorite motorsports and ruins them too. Driving past the limit of traction and purposely going slow is where its at folks! No really trust me! NO SERIOUSLY.

Pop culture killed the performance car.
