So first I'll start my showing some pics of my shop. Seems there's a misunderstanding that I have a really luxurious workspace with all the tools and jacks I want... I don't. I have a scissor jack, stack of 2x4 scrap for jack stands. Just some basic sockets and a bag of misc tools, etc.

Here's my workspace.

Where I did the work on the ej22 swap engine


Standing by the engine looking forward, you can see my shop computer on the table saw:


Standing by the table saw looking across, much clutter. A lot of storage, broken generator as my tool bench, etc:


Now on to the juice stuff.

here's my engine hoist. Mr. OSHA came and approved this one himself.


It finally started to separate!


The paperweight coming out. Again, Mr. OSHA was standing by making sure everything went alright


LGT ChrisPower special edition:


I didn't take a pic of putting in the ej22, look at the ej25 coming out pic, and imagine it only having one cam sprocket on each side. Done. It didn't even take a thousand words to describe that picture

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I'd also like to say a big thanks to everyone who's given me advise with this. Jason for the text support, going up to Mike's to get the header. Mike for the header. And also to Sergei, he did the clutch in my Legacy, and I helped out with that. Watched close and learned how to pull an engine. Then later I helped pull an engine on someone's auto with him, solidified how to yank a motor, and it taught about torque converter BS. Without that I don't think I'd have had the confidence to take this on.

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good to meet you today man! LMK when you want that fender
Nice to meet you too. I'm totally envious of your shop and tool cabinet...

I'm in no huge rush for the fender, this car isn't going to be on the road till my Legacy sells anyway.

I know Jason is headed back up whenever Dave gets the seats ready, so probably just grab it then.


Great job man. Glad everything worked out, and you were able to do this all on the cheap as far as parts went etc. Now I gotta come over and check it out!!

Great job man. Glad everything worked out, and you were able to do this all on the cheap as far as parts went etc. Now I gotta come over and check it out!!

Thanks for the compliments guys, I've helped others with engines, but this is the first swap I've done 100% by myself. It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be.

RUNS AND DRIVES!!! It's soooooooo nice. Runs and drives awesome, pulls hard. It's going to be a fun little car.

When I was filling it up with coolant, coolant started pissing out all over the place. I was REALLY pissed off about that, until I found out the ej22 was missing the gauge temp sender. Durr. Stole it from the ej25 and everything was fine again.

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It would have been faster if I knew what I was doing better. A lot the way I was sort of doing the 2 steps forward, one step back thing. Next time it'll go quicker. haha.

and if it wasn't an AUTO it would have saved me well over an hour dicking with the friggin tq bolts. Getting that first one lined up putting it back together was a bioch

Here's the first start vid. The beeping is Jason texting me. haha.

I cranked the motor for probably 30 secs to make sure oil was circulated.

No idea how long this engine has sat. Maybe years!

He she is! Fired up pretty quick for not having been run in so long.

Awesome video!! The best part is the huge smile on your face as you come around the front of the car. Great job again Chris

^^ I was pretty happy to hear it run!!

Got the exhaust system put together today. I hope it isn't wrong that I was planning the hideous demise of the idiot who did a hack job on the exhaust system.... I got it all sorted out though, now all the exhaust goes out the end of the tailpipe. Sounds so much more boring now.

Adjusted the e-brake cable, cleaned some stuff up... that's about it. When it's on the road it should pass inspection with flying colours.

Very nice!! You gotta bring it over at some point. You have to put those sweet head lights in too!!!

Yes Jason, they're wired up really nice. Shrink tube, no crappy wire, proper crimp loop connectors for the grounded wires, etc!


