Thank you.

nice work inski. the 6 spokes on the STi now I rattle canned.

Nigel, salt and grime hide rattle can imprefections, my dear

too bad he's gonna get them all grimy and salt crusted
u can haz clear coat as well?

While I was prepping them I had grand delusions of making these old fozzy wheels fancy. Then after getting tired of sanding, and the revealing primer coat, I went for the what ever was laying around. Rustoleum Gloss Black with 33% more in the can for 6 bucks. Soooo glad I didn't spend much time doing these. They're gonna get trashed.

i want to paint my fozzy wheels black too but now i get to see what they will look like on your foz before i do mine

Nice Dan, I knew it was gonna snow in Rangeley. I was wondering how long that was gonna take you to play in it and post pics.

I... Am not envious of early snow.

Not with the rain-soaked "Summer" we got stuck with.

It'll be here soon enough, and outstay its welcome before it's gone.

just ut th winter tires on the wifes pilot went with firestone winterfroce. i managed to find a set there was a national back orde ron them. god they r beefy they look like they could take on anything

just ut th winter tires on the wifes pilot went with firestone winterfroce. i managed to find a set there was a national back orde ron them. god they r beefy they look like they could take on anything
Now all you need is a winter set for your car!

negative when the options are snow tires or half way to stage 2 the snow tires get trumped big time
Oh, well, you can get winter tires next year then!

And a spell-check program
I thought you meant me for a minute ... I was confused because I very rarely spell things incorrectly. But then I looked up ... and Ohhh. Spelling. haha

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Winter Mode at casa de Pedro:


oh come on... the blower needs new kicks every decade or so.


The tires on the Snowblower were oem. From I think early 80's or late 70's! The only thing added was the electric start.
